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It's not always possible to avoid injuries but a few precautions can be taken to reduce the possibility of injuries or accidents..

Always take time to warm up and stretch. Research studies have shown that cold muscles are more prone to injury.

Wear shin guards to help protect your lower legs.

Be careful about your choice of footwear, the following is a guide
Wear shoes with molded studs. Shoes with screw-in studs often are associated with a higher risk of injury. However, shoes with screw-in studs should be worn when more grip is needed, such as on a wet muddy field.

DonĂ­t crawl or sit on the goal or hang from the net. Injuries and deaths have occurred when goals have fallen onto players.

The playing surface must be kept in good condition. Holes on the playing field should be filled, bare spots reseeded, and debris removed.

Be knowledgeable about first aid and be able to administer it for minor injuries, such as facial cuts, bruises, or minor tendinitis, strains, or sprains.

Be prepared for emergency situations and have a plan to reach medical personnel to treat injuries such as concussions, dislocations, elbow contusions, wrist or finger sprains, and fractures.

Number of visits since25/6/01